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FME Form

A flexible and powerful data transformation software, which is used by thousands of experts around the world.


Transform data between hundreds of formats and thousands of coordinate systems with FME Workbench. It includes over 500 transformers, with which you can control your data as you need.


Inspect data before, during and after process. With FME you can inspect data visually before it’s written to destination. Thus you’ll avoid data errors in destination dataset.


Create repeatable processes, which can be published to FME Flow. You can automate processes to run from a certain event or time.

Download FME Form and activate a month’s trial from here.

Transform data

You can easily create repeatable processes with FME FME Workbench’s GUI. Searching transformers, adding and connecting them is very quick and easy. Also you can document the process with FME Workbench.


Inspect data in different formats straight from FME Workbench. You can inspect data after any point of the process, and you’ll see how the datasets behave. Thus you can test datasets while you’re creating the processes. You can inspect data model, attributes, geometries and the amount of data.


Automate transformations created with FME Form by publishing them to FME Flow. FME Flow includes an easy to use web user interface, with which it’s easy to control, start and schedule processes. You can define the starting order of processes, start them parallel and send notifications from them by email.

Why FME?

Data model transformation

FME has the tools to transform datasets to any data model. You can remove feature types, attributes, transform them and create new feature types and attributes. FME also includes flexible tools for geometric transformations. Read more.

Data merge

Merge data from different data sources. With FME’s tools, it’s easy to create merge rules, and inspect the merged data before it’s written to a destination. Read more.


Application and system integrations are easy to implement with FME, and you’ll get rid of data silos. You’ll see quickly, how the integration works before taking it to production. With FME it’s easy to control and edit integrations. Read more about system integrations and application integrations.

Quality assurance

Poor quality and invalid data is a problem in every organization, and the worst is that it’s not acknowledged. FME includes great tools for data QA and creating reports from invalid data. Read more.

Format transformations

Transform datasets and their data models between different applications, systems and coordinate systems. Also, you can automate format transformations by scheduling them to start at a certain time. Read more.


You can move datasets in APIs, transform them to other formats, and you can send datasets to APIs in a controlled manner. FME Flow also includes a REST API, with which processes can be started outside of FME Flow. Read more.


Read data from common 3D and BIM formats such as IFC, Revit, BCF, SketchUp, iModel, CityGML, DGN ja DWG, and extract only needed information from the datasets. You can transform the data content and geometries, and validate data before it’s written to a destination. Read more about 3D and BIM capabilities of FME.


FME is a very powerful software for transforming raster data. Use FME for processing raster data and merging it to other datasets. E.g. you can do raster calculations, raster and vector operations and coordinate transformations. Read more.

Point clouds

Many organizations have point cloud data, but not good tools for processing them. With FME you have control over point clouds, and you can utilize the information in the point clouds. Read more.

Big Data

FME includes effective tools for reading data from Big Data databases and writing to them. You can transform, validate and move data without writing any code. FME supports NoSQL databases and relational databases. Read more.


FME is a very powerful software for CAD format transformations, data quality checks, and writing CAD data to GIS formats. With FME’s attribute, geometry and styling transformers CAD datasets and their transformations are fully in your control. Read more.

Sensor data

Solve sensor data challenges with FME, and produce datasets from it to aid decision making. You can automate sensor data processing, control huge amounts of data, analyze the data, and send notifications to other systems and users. Read more.

Automate FME Form  processes with FME Flow.

Download FME Form and activate a month’s trial from here.